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Coffee & Chat – Green Dot Training




Parent Workshop

All the staff at Aiming Higher have untaken this Green Dot Training and we thought it would be interesting for our parent/carers to learn about it too.  Nina & Lisa who will run the session will look at examples of where our families may have experienced prejudice in the past. As always, no children at Coffee & Chat please. Refreshments provided.

“Blackpool is the first place in the country to launch the Green Dot safety campaign urging people not to look the other way when they see bad behaviour and we want you to join us on this exciting opportunity to make a real change within our town. Together we can make Blackpool a place where everyone feels safe and supported by encouraging everyone to be active bystanders and stand up against violence.


What Is Green Dot?

The Green Dot programme is a community driven violence prevention strategy that depends on the power of bystanders to prevent and reduce violence in our town and shift social and cultural norms. It equips people with the knowledge, skills, and confidence to identify, intervene and report power-based personal violence.

The programme uses the analogy of a green dot to illustrate small actions and positive behaviours.  A green dot is any choice, behaviour, attitude, or statement that expresses intolerance of bullying, sexual assault, sexual harassment, dating/partner violence and stalking on-line or in person. These green dots add up, creating a culture of intolerance to violence.

In light of increasing media coverage and disclosures, it is clear, that now more than ever, that as a community we are in need of support and guidance to safely and effectively intervene to prevent incidents like this from happening. “

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