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Coffee & Chat – The Dads’ Place




Parent Workshop

This week at Coffee & Chat we will be joined by John Scholes from The Dads’ Place, part of Empowerment. It would be great to see more dad’s/father figures at this session but mums and other adults are welcome too – sorry no children at Coffee and Chat though.

John says “We are a dedicated group for fathers navigating the journey of parenthood. We strive to empower dads to build relationships with peers, whilst offering support for those who may have anxiety, stress, and mental health challenges.

We aim to build a community of shared experiences and mutual support.

The Dad’s Place is a safe space for fathers to be, and or with children aged 0 to 2, offering guidance on accessing support when needed, and emphasising the role fathers play in a baby’s development.

Our group aims to encourage dads through peer support and connection.

We have regular sessions across the town and within Blackpool’s Family Hubs.

I’ve personally experienced the challenges of parenthood and can deeply empathise with the emotional and mental struggles that can arise. I’ve navigated through Social Services systems like Child Protection, feeling at times worthless as a father and unrecognised for my efforts to reunite with my son. I understand the anger, fear, frustration, guilt, and remorse that can have harmful effects on fathers.

During this process, I didn’t have an advocate or support worker, but I found solace in friends who, though unrelated, stood by me. Their empathy and support helped me maintain dignity and emotional stability. This experience empowered me to advocate for myself and others, developing empathy and compassion along the way. That’s why I believe in the work that I do, peer support can be life changing!”

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